Discover the power of our aesthetic treatments to enhance your natural beauty and confidence. Experience the latest in beauty technology and expert care at The Pink Aesthetic.
Discover the power of our aesthetic treatments to enhance your natural beauty and confidence. Experience the latest in beauty technology and expert care at The Pink Aesthetic.
The Pink Aesthetic is a beauty clinic located in Waverly, Johannesburg, providing the latest in aesthetic treatments and technology to help clients feel confident and beautiful.
Our team of highly skilled and trained professionals are dedicated to providing personalised and individualised care to each and every client. With a focus on creating a relaxing and comfortable environment, our clinic is the perfect place to unwind and rejuvenate.
Ageing is a fact of life we all have to deal with in some part of our lives. As we age our skin looses it’s ability to rejuvenate itself due to the loss of collagen production, thinning of the skin itself or environmental influence. The results are wrinkles, sagging or stretched skin due to volume loss.
However it is not something you have to fear, except or live with, besides plastic surgery there are less invasive options available that can be done in a medical, or in our case dental, rooms by trained professionals. This is where botox, fillers and threads come in. Each with it’s own purpose, let me elaborate.
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Duis vestibulum porta dictum. In ut diam nec magna aliquet eleifend in quis eros pellentesque rutrum tellus erat, ac iaculis neque placerat
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Mauris cursus posuere sem non mentum donec condime ntumut
Mauris cursus posuere sem non mentum donec condime ntumut
Mauris cursus posuere sem non mentum donec condime ntumut
Mauris cursus posuere sem non mentum donec condime ntumut
Choose The Pink Aesthetic for expert care, the latest beauty technology and a relaxing, rejuvenating experience.
Utilising the latest medical aesthetic research and technology